"The way Uganda treats joints is just bewildering". Prominent Indian rheumatologist gives candid interview to Ugandan newspaper

Dr. Alfred Müller is the head of the world famous Center for Rheumatology and Neurology in Berlin.

Joint diseases have only one cause, and it’s the same one that the doctors in Uganda neglect
Dr. Alfred Müller: "In Uganda, joint diseases are still treated with outdated and ineffective drugs that must be taken by the patient throughout all their life. While in Germany, treating joint problems is as simple as curing the common cold."

Last year Alfred Müller traveled the worls to examine the experience of his colleagues. What he saw in many parts of the world, according to him, cannot be explained. In our country, according to Alfred, rheumatology stopped in its development in the middle of the last century.

After giving interviews in Germany, Dr. Alfred Müller gave his consent for an interview. What was it about Ugandan medicine that displeased the Doctor so much? And why does he claim that the citizens of our country with sore joints will never be cured of their ailments?

- Speaking to German journalists, you said that what you saw in Uganda shocked you. Could you elaborate?

- Before we get into that, let me just say that I have a great respect for your country, your culture and people. But I fully understand why my German colleagues are, hm, puzzled by the state of your medical sphere. After all, it's lagging 20 or even 30 years behind the Europe. And it's nowhere as noticeable as when it comes to the treatment of diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system. You can say that rheumatology simply doesn’t exist in Uganda.

Look at what doctors suggest for treating joints: Viprosal, Ibuprofen, Voltaren \ Fastum Gel, Diclofenac, Theraflex, Nurofen and other similar drugs.

However, these drugs DO NOT TREAT JOINTS AND CARTILAGES, they only relieve the symptoms of the disease: pain, inflammation, swelling. Now imagine what is happening in the body. When you take a pill, apply an anesthetic gel, or do an injection, the pain subsides. But once the remedy stops working, the pain returns immediately.

And pain is an important signal, he points out that a joint has a pathological process. By simply relieving the pain, the affected joints take a greater impact. The destruction process is accelerated 3 to 5 times and ultimately leads to irreversible changes, complete immobilization and disability.

This way of eliminating joint pain has not been used in Europe for more than 20 years. Pain remedies are used only in extreme cases, very rarely and with great care. In Germany, they are sold only with prescriptions and under strict medical supervision.

The so-called 'hondroprotectors' are completely banned as absolutely fraudulent and useless drugs.

Your doctors and pharmacists will just maim people! It is clear that it is much more beneficial to constantly sell remedies to eliminate symptoms at high prices than to cure the disease forever, to recover the affected joint, but it is horrible!

- And how are things in Germany with the treatment of the joints?

- All German from professor-rheumatologists to ordinary family doctors and paramedics, understood long ago that it is not necessary to eliminate the effects of the disease, but its causes. It is the guarantee of a complete, fast and safe cure. It is the guarantee of a complete, fast and safe cure. What is the leading cause of joint injuries? It is the deposition of crystals in the joints due to a disorder of blood circulation and synovial fluid.

Urates are salts of uric acid that cause gout.

Osteophytes, calcined salts, are the cause of the remaining 97% of joint and spinal diseases. Which are all kinds of arthritis and osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, rheumatism, bursitis and even hygroma. All these diseases have a cause: osteophyte deposition.

The salts, depositing on the surfaces of the joint, act as if the sandpaper sharpens the surrounding tissues - the bones and cartilage. As the salt crystals grow, they begin to traumatize muscle tissue, tendons, blood vessels, and capillaries. Causing inflammation, infection, swelling, and severe pain.

In neglected cases, large accumulations of these salts can easily break a part of the bone with a sudden movement, thus causing a total disability and immobilizing the joint forever.

The wrong and very dangerous idea is that calcium is useful for the joints. Yes, calcium is helpful, but only for HEALTHY joints. When the joints already hurt or chatter, it means that a layer of osteophytes has already formed, and calcium, in addition to strengthening bone tissue, also strengthens these salts-osteophytes, aggravating and accelerating their growth.

This is why German rheumatologists first of all restore blood circulation to the affected joint, so that the salts accumulated over the years are removed. This, in turn, restores the normal circulation of synovial fluid and begins the repair process of the joint tissues.

In fact, human joints are very regenerative, they are capable of recovering on their own, like a lizard's tail. They just need a little help with this - to get rid of salts "stuck" in them - and the process will get going.

I was shocked when I saw Ugandan medical statistics records. Do you know what results in the most disabilities in your country? Arthrosis! The same arthrosis that is cured in 2 weeks in Germany leads to disability in Uganda!

In Germany today, joint diseases are not considered dangerous pathologies, unless, of course, they are serious traumatic injuries: fractures, fissures etc. The pain and inflammation in the joints only indicate that these are "contaminated" with salts and it is time to clean them. After a monthly course of 'cleansing', the joints become normal and these problems can be forgotten for the next decade.

The joint diseases that here are trying to 'treat' separately, in Europe they are already united for a long time into a single disease 'Articulatio de salts' (salt deposition in the joints). This disease includes:

This is a very short list, but the rest of the diseases are only a subspecies of these nine main pathologies. For example, coxarthrosis is a subspecies of osteoarthritis, etc.

And all this long list of diseases is cured with a very simple and banal cleaning of the joints. It is absolutely safe, does not even require medical attention and is carried out at home.

- How do you "clean" the joints in Germany?

- Today there are special medications that are designed to clean the joints of salt deposits.

They contain alpha-arthropherol. For example, one of the best products is Motion Energy . This gel contains methyl salicylate and rosemary oil which is a natural muscle relaxant. It has an analgesic effect within the first few minutes of use.

Another important advantage of Motion Energy is that it contains a combination of systemic arthro-vitamins, macro- and microelements designed to improve the functioning of joint tissue. In other words, it has a comprehensive healing effect on bone and cartilage tissue, synovial fluid, muscle fibers, on the tissue of ligaments and tendons. It contains over 6 natural ingredients.

Motion Energy includes more than 50 components. I'm not going to list them all, just the main ones:
Methyl salicylate Kills pain and inhibits inflammations in joints, muscles and tendons.
Methyl nicotinate Has a warming effect.
Rosemary oil Non-addictive natural anaestetic. Blocks nerve pulse and by doing so almost immediately kills pain.
Eucalyptus oil extract Stimulates synovial fluid production and reduces friction in the joint capsules.
Cinnamon oil Activates blood and oxygen circulation in tissues. This quickly relieves swelling and kills pain.
Ginger extract Stimulates tissue regeneration and speeds up the healing process. Breaks up and removes calcium salt crystals from joints.

- For all we know, Motion Energy is not sold in pharmacies.

- Exactly, no. Doctors prefer to prescribe anesthetics and hondroprotectants to the population in huge quantities rather than practice the actual treatment.

Without a doubt, rheumatologists, at least those who are interested in progressive treatments, know about Motion Energy and its capacities for recovery. But they do not risk prescribing a drug that is not on the list of the Ministry of Health.

As far as I know, the manufacturer of Motion Energy wanted to enter Ugandan market. But he wasn’t allowed to do that - hundreds of red tape obstacles sprung up in his way (the bureaucracy in Uganda is ineradicable). And it’s pretty obvious why that happened - if this drug appears in pharmacies, the pharmaceutical mafia will suffer colossal losses. After all, pharmacology is nothing but a business nowadays! Even in the well-developed countries of Europe. But, business there is controlled by the state, I won’t try to decipher the situation here in Uganda, I’ll leave that to you.

- What advice would you give to Uganda residents that suffer from joint pain?

- Ordinary people, especially those over 50, suffer the most from the backwardness of Ugandan medicine. It's not their fault, it's just the way the healthcare system here works.

But fortunately, there is a way out. We agreed with the Rheumatology Center on the possibility of distributing this remedy to all the citizens of Uganda who have joint problems. A special official website was created where anyone can request Motion Energy almost for free.

We have been distributing Motion Energy for 3 months now. Several thousand residents of Uganda have already got their package. We ask everyone who received Motion Energy to rate how well the drug helped them on a scale from 1 to 10. So far, more than 3,600 people have taken part in the survey and the average rating of the drug is 9.97 out of 10.

As you can see, Motion Energy has helped thousands of citizens regain their mobility and get rid of pain, and you can also be one of them.

- For how long will the drug be distributed?

- While supplies last. But I want to warn you right away that there is very little of the drug left. We weren't expecting such a surge in demand. Word of mouth, you know? People pass information on to each other, tell their friends about it, order the gel for their family members. We were surprised that Motion Energy would become so well-known throughout Uganda so quickly. While Motion Energy is still somewhat in stock, I recommend all people over 45 to leave a request for Motion Energy.


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I'm one of those who already got to try Motion Energy . It's actually really good. Arthrosis had tormented me for 7 years. I was honestly already mentally prepared to just take pills and injections for the rest of my life. But after a course of Motion Energy the pain stopped completely! I think everyone should try it.


I left a request. They promised that in 5 days I would get it in the mail. I really hope so.


I am only 63 years old, but I've had problems with my knees ever since I turned 53. Recently, the pain has become completely unbearable. A doctor I know (a childhood friend) told me about this program and advised me to order the drug 3 months ago. Now I jump like a mountain goat. Though, I probably shouldn’t haha. What an incredible drug!


Thanks for the informative article! I ordered it for myself. I asked the consultant when new shipments of the drug are expected and he said that no one knew. The product is in high demand and supplies won't last for long! Guess I got lucky.


I think that doctors are only interested in milking us for as much cash as possible and nothing else. I used to make injections every 6 months. Last fall my doctor prescribed such bizarre drugs that I hesitated to actually inject them. She didn’t even check what other diseases I had and how the drugs would interact with them. Complete indifference and the automatic prescription of drugs for which they get money from corporations. Maybe the situation is different in other places, but I wouldn’t count on it. This is our medicine. Good thing we have this new indian drug!


The drug is really great. I used it last summer, when my son brought it back from his trip to Europe. My hernia is long gone! So far, there are no signs of it coming back. I'm surprised, to tell the truth. I feel like I’m 20. I recommend this drug to everyone.


I also had a pleasant experience with Motion Energy . I also had to constantly take injections, but then I found out about Motion Energy. I’ve been feeling like a normal healthy human being for 2 months now!


I went to my doctor and she told me to try this Motion Energy drug (she was young, probably still idealistic, thinking that the medical sphere exists to help people, not squeeze money out of them). Motion Energy helped me right away. The pain went away almost immediately, but I still took the whole course, just like the doctor told me. 3 weeks later I forgot I ever had joint pain. I feel so rejuvenated!


While reading on the forums the opinions about Motion Energy , I saw that it is ending very fast! Thanks God I was able to fill out the form. And I will also receive it by offer, this is very nice.


My neighbor, he is 72 years old, used to often complain about pains in his lower back. But now I see him all active and cheerful. He said that he used Motion Energy, his son bought it for him somewhere.


I knew about Motion Energy in one of the forums for those who suffer from joint diseases. Many praise their results there. I decided to buy it too. I have only applied it for 3 days, and the improvements are already noticeable in everything. The pain completely passed, the creaking became much quieter, a small swelling still persists, but it is much better than it was. Well, I'm going to write about the results of the course, but I like for now.


Thank you. I ordered it for myself and my husband. I asked the consultant when it would be sold at the pharmacy, he said it was unknown. That is why this may be the only opportunity to try this product.

